Friday, June 11, 2010

Things to Remember Before Buying a Pet

As I have been dealing with things to remember before buying a pet, a need that is often overlooked is the need for 'company' for most fishes. I use the word most here as there are certain fishes that are not 'adapted' to a setting where there will be another con-specific (that's the word to indicate the same kind of fish or fish of the same species) and one ends up with too much bullying, infighting and even death of the other. The need for company basically stems as a function obviously for reproductive purposes (ok, another term is survival of the species).

But aside from the obvious, another reason for that need for company in nature is safety (in numbers) or security. Schooling or simply a group of fish together provides the following presumed advantages - it is a form of anti-predation (the chances of being eaten if one is all alone is higher than where there are many other choices from the menu), enhanced foraging (one can easily find more food with more eyes), spawning aggregation (some do congregate for spawning), and schooling also helps in migration (something to do with hydrodynamic efficiency). Some of those reasons should discourage potential pet owners in ending with just a single fish in a tank. I should also note when we speak of schooling, the usual recommended number is around 6 to 8 fishes to consider as a school.

To end this topic for now, I should also include the hobbyist's time to care for his or her pet. Time becomes imperative as a basic need simply because our pets will almost entirely depend on the caretaker a lot. Without enough time to maintain your aquarium, feed your fishes and interact with them, it will not be all worth it. Of course,I am not writing here to discourage one into the hobby but more of its realities. As there are realities, there should also be practicalities and I will be writing of these soon. The hobby shouldn't be an enslaving one.

It should be convenient (I should be writing on aquarium, equipment and accessories soon), relaxing (you should see a beautiful aquarium set up and you'll know what I mean, it's one of the best way to de-stress from a hard or difficult day), and functional (I often use aquarium set ups to soften the interiors. Others do ponds.)

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